Here are some examples of our Halloween technology projects we’ve been working on during the month of October. We built our own Jack-o-Lanterns to learn how to copy and paste, we decided what Mrs. Cross should be for Halloween, and we wrote our own Halloween Rebus stories! SO FUN!! Click on images to enlarge them.
Division Representations Using Google Drawings
Here are our division representations using our favorite… GOOGLE DRAWINGS! So impressive!
Addition and Subtraction Representations
This week in the computer lab, we made Google Drawings representing several ways to solve addition and subtraction problems. These include equations, strip diagrams, and story problems. Mrs. Cross modeled how to do this on Google Drawings only twice and they were able to create these! They inserted text boxes, shapes, pictures, and lines. They learned how to change font and photo size. They’re well on their way to becoming Google Drawings experts! Click to enlarge the picture.
Red Nose Day
Every year I celebrate Red Nose Day with my class in hopes of helping to end child poverty around the world. You can buy noses at Walgreens for $1 each. More information can be found at Red Nose Day
Enjoy some of our silly pictures because laughter makes the world go round and no child should ever go hungry.
Click images to enlarge!
Food Chain Stop Motion Videos
We made food chain stop motion videos!
May the 4th Be With You
Build Your Wild Self
Check out our wild selves!!! We’ve been learning about structures and functions of animals that allow them to survive in particular environments. We made ourselves wild and thought about the adaptations we would need to survive in the wild. Class book app smash was made using, Google Slides, and Explain Everything.
Bar Graphs Using Google Drawings
Today we created bar graphs using Google Drawings! The only directions I gave were to make a bar graph using scaled intervals. I am SO impressed with their creativity and critical thinking skills!
Class Pictograph
Today we made a class pictograph over how many multiplication tests we have mastered.
- Class pictograph
- Student created questions
- Student created questions
I’m so proud of the high level questions that the kids generated by themselves! Most of the questions require 2-3 steps!
Smart Lab games
Last week we made our own math and language arts games! We created our own questions, typed them into the SMART software, and then played each other’s games. What better way to practice skills than to play a game! Check out our video to see the types of questions and games we came up with!